
Recent Research: Does Feedback on Business Plans Help Entrepreneurs?

One of the recurring characteristics of entrepreneurs, based on numerous biographies and case studies, is a driven self-confidence that may border, in some circles, as excessive or even narcissistic. Closer scrutiny, of course, shows there is no such thing as the “self-made” person, but entrepreneurship still is described often as a heroic, lone-wolf quest. Is it paradoxical to advocate for and even expect mentoring and “how to” entrepreneurship training to work? Wouldn’t “real” entrepreneurs leading promising startups succeed without the advice? A recent working paper describes an experiment that attempted to address this issue.

Expanding Veterans' Opportunities to Become Entrepreneurs

Todd Connor, CEO of Bunker Labs, begins his pitch in front of a Startup Week event in Columbus, Ohio with a compelling statistic. In the six years following WWII, 50 percent of returning veterans started their own businesses. Today, only 6 percent of post-9/11 vets do the same, despite surveys showing four times that number would like to do so.  What has changed to lead to such a contrast and entrepreneurship gap?

Huntington Bank Commits $25M for Comprehensive Economic Development Programming in Flint

As the water crisis in Flint, MI, continues to capture headlines, details on potential relief efforts are beginning to emerge. In January, President Obama granted $5 million in emergency funding to address the crisis, while the state has approved $67 million in funding since October. To provide for more immediate relief efforts, The FlintNOW Foundation, created by Flint-native Tom Gores, Chairman and CEO of Platinum Equity and the owner of the Detroit Pistons, seeks to deliver private sector support in the wake of the crisis. FlintNOW announced late last month that Ohio-based Huntington Bank would help to support the foundation’s mission for comprehensive economic development programming in the region, providing $25 million to support businesses, entrepreneurs, and residents.

Majority of Startups Valued Over $1B Founded by Immigrants, Report Finds

Earlier this month, SSTI highlighted recent research from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) that detailed the critical role immigrants play in developing some of the most notable innovations in the U.S. While that study looked at particular inventions, new research from the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) finds that immigrants also play a major role in helping to found and nurture innovative startups. In an analysis of startup companies valued at $1 billion dollars or more, 51 percent (44 out of 87) were started by immigrants.

NSF Announces Funding to Establish, Sustain I-Corps Nodes

The National Science Foundation (NSF) released a solicitation to establish and sustain Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Nodes as part of I-Corps’ National Innovation Network that builds upon fundamental research to guide the output of scientific discoveries closer to the development of technologies, products, processes and services that benefit society. NSF will commit up to $8.5 million to support seven I-Corps Nodes to foster understanding on how to:

University Pre-Accelerators the New Hot Trend, But What Are They?

Over the last few months, a number of universities across the country have launched pre-accelerator programs – a new trend that has emerged in university-led efforts to support entrepreneurial growth among faculty and students. This week, the Digest examines this growing trend and attempts to provide insight into two important questions about pre-accelerators:

Heartland Metros Launch Collaborative Economic Initiative

Leaders in Des Moines, Kansas City, Omaha and St. Louis have teamed up to leverage their respective resources and help build an economic mega-region in the center of the country. The Heartland Civic Collaborative will focus on four main areas of opportunity: transportation, federal advocacy, life science and entrepreneurship. In the coming months, the collaborative plans to begin work on an entrepreneurial metrics dashboard for the participating metros and a map of life sciences research assets. The group also plans to improve the research commercialization pipeline for biomedical and bioenergy research. The initiative’s first event, around transportation futures, will be held next month. Learn more at: http://heartlandciviccollaborative.org.

Recent Research: Learning Entrepreneurship from Other Entrepreneurs?

Around the world, entrepreneurship education continues to permeate schools, nonprofits, economic development organizations, and college campuses. At the root of this momentum is a belief that entrepreneurship can be taught to anybody, regardless of their innate skills. This Recent Research article presents new conclusions that suggest individuals can learn entrepreneurship by being exposed to other entrepreneurs. In other words, both nature and nurture contribute to the likelihood one becomes an entrepreneur.

Global Entrepreneurship Week Events Expected to Reach 160+ Countries

Nearly 10 million people are expected to participate in events during this year’s Global Entrepreneurship Week, launched November 16 by the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN). The first Global Entrepreneurship Week was held in 2008 with representatives from 37 countries. Now in its eighth year, more than 160 countries across the world will hold entrepreneurship-related events during the week. Although activities vary greatly in size and scope, they generally touch on three themes:

MO Gov Announces Nearly $3M in Funding to Support Startups Statewide

On November 12, Gov. Jay Nixon announced $1 million in state funding to ARCH Grants to provide entrepreneurial support to St. Louis startups. ARCH Grants is a nonprofit organization that provides $50,000 equity-free grants and pro-bono services to entrepreneurs who locate their early stage businesses in St. Louis. This is Gov. Nixon’s third announcement in two months awarding funds to the state’s regional organizations that make up Missouri’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. In September, Gov. Nixon awarded $1.19 million in grants to three Kansas City organizations to support the region’s startup community. Last month, Gov. Nixon also announced a total of $675,000 in state funding to organizations in Springfield. Read the announcement: https://governor.mo.gov/news/archive/gov-nixon-announces-1-million-arch-grants-support-st-louis-startups


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