
Entrepreneurial Spawning: Public Corporations and the Genesis of New Ventures, 1986-1999

January 01, 2003

The National Bureau of Economic Research study suggests the stimulation of entrepreneurial activity in a region with a small number of existing entrepreneurial companies is a difficult task. The study concludes that less-diversified companies, those focused on a single line of business for instance, spawn 19 percent more entrepreneurial ventures than do multi-faceted corporations.

Go Public or Stay Private

January 01, 2003

The paper analyzes an entrepreneurs choice between private and public ownership in a setting in which management needs autonomy to optimally manage the firm. The report also explores the trade off between managerial autonomy and the cost of capital in a simple setting, while drawing new testable implications.

Stages of Discovery and Entrepreneurship

January 01, 2003

The paper connects various literatures from economics and business in an attempt to produce a systematic theory of entrepreneurship. It is proposed that different notions of entrepreneurship can be associated with different stages of that cycle.

Role of Development Agencies for the Entrepreneurial Promotion: Israeli Case Studies

January 01, 2003

The paper illustrates the basic principles of development agencies that are not invariable and specific structures, rather "ideal-typical" structures that assume particular aspects.

Modelling Entrepreneurship

January 01, 2003

The author attempts to unify two approaches of modelling entrepreneurship to explain the equilibrium and actual number of entrepreneurs and the entry and exit rate of entrepreneurs simultaneously. It is concluded that periods of high entry and exit rates are positively correlated with periods of high unemployment.

Risk Taking By Entrepreneurs

January 01, 2003

The paper develops a theory of endogenous entrepreneurial risk taking that explains why self-financed entrepreneurs may find it optimal to invest in risky projects.

Taxation and Venture Capital-Backed Entrepreneurship

January 01, 2003

The paper examines how the value of mature firms determines the incentives of entrepreneurs to start up new firms and of venture capitalists to finance and advise them.

Entrepreneurial Efficiency: An Empirical Framework and Evidence

January 01, 2003

The paper examines a particular aspect of entrepreneurship, namely firms ability to respond appropriately to unexpected changes in the environment. The quantitative effect of firms adaptability on total factor productivity is investigated using the Census of Manufacturing in Japan.

What makes an Entrepreneur and does it pay ? Native Men, Turks, and other Migrants in Germany

January 01, 2003

The paper focuses on the entrepreneurial endeavors of immigrants and natives in Germany, focusing on Turkish immigrants. Employing data from the German Socioeconomic Panel 2000 release we find that the probability of self-employment increases significantly with age for all groups albeit at a decreasing rate. Among immigrants, Turks are twice as likely to choose self-employment as any other immigrant group.

Are There Too Many Entrepreneurs? A Model of Client-Based Entrepreneurship

January 01, 2003

According to the authors, client relationships create value, which employees may try to wrest from their employers by setting up their own firms. Firms counter by inducing workers to sign contracts that prohibit them from competing or soliciting former clients in the event of termination of employment. With or without liquidity constraints, more entrepreneurial locations will attract more clients
and have higher employment and output.


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